There are some interesting recent news stories involving federal higher education policy in Inside Higher Education and the Chronicle of Higher Education:
Inside Higher Education reports that some colleges and universities are concerned about a forthcoming U.S. Department of Education regulation that would stop institutions from prohibiting religious student organizations from disallowing membership in the organization if allowing such membership would conflict with the religious beliefs/mission of the organization. This article contains a noteworthy quote from Terry Hartle (Senior VP for Government & Public Affairs at the American Council on Education): “Like any proposed rule, it’s as serious as a heart attack."
The Chronicle of Higher Education has a detailed piece about four presidential candidates --- Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, and Joe Biden -- and these candidates' visits to college campuses over a six-month period.
Finally, Inside Higher Education also reports: "The Trump administration has dropped a proposed new form for collecting information from colleges about gifts and contracts from foreign sources... The department [of education] said it plans to soon resubmit a standard, nonemergency information collection request."